
Advertisement for a Junior Research Fellow- Molecular Genetics

We are a world class diagnostics and research-intensive institute. We deliver clinical diagnostics, genetic counselling, teaching and R&D of the highest quality. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.

public engagement

30th Anniversary of Genetics Pioneer Institution

An institution that started from a small room with a dining table has metamorphized into a state-of-art diagnostics and translation research powerhouse in the arena of genetics and genomics in India.


Advertisement for a Senior Cytogeneticist

We are a world class diagnostics and research-intensive institute. We deliver clinical diagnostics, genetic counselling, teaching and R&D of the highest quality. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.


Advertisement for academic and diagnostic positions

We are a world class diagnostics and research-intensive institute. We deliver clinical diagnostics, genetic counselling, teaching and R&D of the highest quality. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.

public engagement

FRIGE 4 Months Dissertation Course

Genetics is currently going through a rapid expansion in its suite of techniques and technologies. Understanding these technologies and using them in research and diagnostic settings is key for their robust implementation in clinics.


Advertisement for a Laboratory Technician

We are a world class diagnostics and research-intensive institute. We deliver clinical diagnostics, genetic counselling, teaching and R&D of the highest quality. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.

public engagement

Mutation, variant and vaccination strategies for COVID19

Mutational processes that lead to new COVID19 virus variants can affect vaccination strategies and public health measures. In this interview, Dr. Harsh Sheth explains what mutation is and how COVID19 variants develop.


Highest quality molecular genetics testing certification- EMQN

Europen Molecular Quality Network's (EMQN) external quality assessment (EQA) certification ensures highest quality of the entire analytical process of a molecular diagnostics lab including the ability to interpret complex data and produce an accurate diagnostic test report.


Advertisement for a Research Fellow

We are a world class research-intensive institute. We deliver clinical diagnostics, genetic counselling, teaching and R&D of the highest quality. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.

public engagement

Vaccine development against coronavirus - COVID19

More than 200 vaccines are currently being developed against COVID19 virus, across the globe. What is the structure of coronavirus and what strategies are used for developing vaccines is discussed in a live interview with Doordarshan Girnar.

public engagement

Genetics of coronavirus - COVID19

Several research groups, hospitals, nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have been playing active role to sequence the RNA of the COVID19 virus. Its purpose and utility is discussed in a live interview with the Gujarat Samachar TV.


Mutation spectrum in autism spectrum disorders in India

Diagnosing autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is often challenging as mutation in several genes can lead to the disease. Systematic application of latest genomic technologies could improve diagnosis and reduce cost.


Low cost diagnosis of common lysosomal storage disorders

Diagnosis of lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) is often challenging due to overlapping clinical symptoms and costly chemicals. We are developing a sequencing based assay that can diagnose over 20 LSDs simultaneously.

public engagement

The Great and the Good

Over our 25 years history, we have been fortunate to meet and receive praise from noted dignitories, scientists and the general public. Their words enthuse us to strive towards excellence in delivering diagnostics and research.

diagnostic test

A novel suite of biochemical diagnostic tests for Lysosomal Storage Disorders

Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs) are a group of 70 diseases that are characterised by an impaired lysosome enzyme and occurs in 1 in 5000 births. Diagnosing these diseases is extremely challenging as it requires accurate clinical data collection and subsequent use of specific lysosomal enzyme substrates.


Next generation microsatellite instability test

Colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is the sixth most common cancer in India. National health agencies of USA, UK, France and India. recommend all bowel cancers to be tested for a specific type of “DNA spelling mistakes” called microsatellite instability or MSI for short.