public engagement

Chemistry Nobel Prize 2020- CRISPR DNA Editing Technology

CRISPR-Cas9 is one of only a handful of technological marvels that have made a paradigm shifting and lasting impact on healthcare.

This year, Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier who co-discovered and mechanised an acient immune system of bacteria into a gene editing tool.

The tool, known as CRISPR-Cas is known for its accuracy, low-cost and ease of use. Since its pathbreaking discovery in 2012, scientists around the world have used it to understand diseases, edit DNA of plant varieties, developed gene therapy solutions and have also deployed COVID19 diagnostic kit (known as Feluda, SHERLOK and Detector).

To understand the importance of this technology and its impact on everyday life, our Head of Advanced Genomic Technologies Division- Dr. Harsh Sheth, Joint Director of Gujarat Biotech Research Centre- Dr. Madhvi Joshi and Scientist from CSIR-IGIB Delhi- Dr. Debjyoti Chakrabothy, gave a live interview with the anchor Mr. Nishith Joshi from Doordarshan. You can watch the entire interview here in Gujarati.