Highest quality molecular genetics testing certification- EMQN
Europen Molecular Quality Network's (EMQN) external quality assessment (EQA) certification ensures highest quality of the entire analytical process of a molecular diagnostics lab including the ability to interpret complex data and produce an accurate diagnostic test report.
EMQN provides quality assurance to labs who offer molecular genetics and pathology testing services. This is achieved through provision of quality assessment schemes operated according to the accepted norms of the United Kingdom Accreditation Services.
More than 2000 labs from 79 countries across the world participates in EMQN’s suite of EQA schemes each year.
We are one of the few labs from India that participate in EMQN’s EQA scheme this year for molecular genetics test on sequencing.
Through rigorous quality testing, our institute obtained a 100% score in genotyping and interpretation of genomic variants.
FRIGE is one of the few centres in the country that provides rapid, accurate and in-house suite of molecular genetic tests for diagnosis of over 300 common and rare genetic disorders.
Furthermore, FRIGE is India’s largest submitter of novel variants on the ClinVar database, second largest submitter of Lynch syndrome variants on LOVD database and provides the largest suite of genetic tests on NCBI’s worldwide genetic testing registry.
EMQN membership and accreditation makes us a partner in the largest external quality assessment network for molecular genetic testing in the world.
For further details regarding specific molecular genetic tests, please click here.